Speaking of Racism podcast

A podcast dedicated to frank, honest, and respectful discussions about racism in the U.S.

We are a community podcast.

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You listen to the Speaking of Racism podcast.
You keep hearing people say, 'do the work.'
You aren't always sure what that means.
Let's unpack it together.


Listen here


What Listeners Are Saying

“If there’s a word that’s more powerful than “amazing”, this is how I describe this podcast. I just finished eps 67 with guest Monique Melton and I feel high!!! What an inspiring and stimulating conversation. Now here’s the real truth...I’m an older white man and I completely agree without question! Keep on keeping on ladies!”

— Dunker4178

“I love the SOR podcast. Tina and Jen are doing amazing work through the conversations they are having and the ways they are equipping others to dismantle white supremacy. I'm so incredibly grateful for them.”

— nikkipapas

“Thank you for bringing experts, friends, pastors, people deconstructing their faith into such thoughtful conversations. Just listened to podcast 50 - as a white cis woman i thank you for teaching and leading me. Thank you for the work you have done and continue to do..”

— JJHam